The original Chilli Penguin. This stove does it all, it keeps you warm, cooks your dinner and boils your kettle for a cup of tea. It’s ideal for canal boats, studios and homes where you don’t want to be entirely dependent on mains gas or electricity.
All of the cooker models come with an oven box and top plate. The oven temperature can reach up to 300’C, but it will tick over comfortably between 140 – 180’C. You can fit a small saucepan and kettle on the top plate. An extra height oven is also available.
5kW heat output
> 80% efficiency
Pre-fitted smoke control kit
Takes up to 10” logs
5” flue
A+ Energy Efficiency Rating
An extra height oven is also available (The Hungry Penguin Tall Order)
Choice of colours available
Optional direct air kit available